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Friday | 15/04-2011 | By Administrator
The countries of Southeastern Europe are closer to EU than ever before, with some countries already being official EU members and some official candidates for EU membership. Three experienced music professionals from Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria will shed light on the possibilities in the new Balkan market – a music market in growth, right in the backyard of EU.
Bojan Boskovic Bojan is one of cofounders of Exit Festival. Just as a student at The Faculty of Technical Sciences at University of Novi Sad (where he graduated in Telecommunication Department), he already was engaged in social activities, and from there trying to find a way for making difference in a country with many social and political problems. He is leading a team which is organizing a festival that is the biggest cultural happening in the region. Every year this team grows from only 10 people to 5.000. It becomes the biggest machinery that involves management of thousands.
Dan Popi In 1995, Dan Popi signed his first artist under Cat Music Label, which initially was just a brand extension of Media Services, but became a stand-alone company in 2003. Throughout the years, Dan Popi developed the largest original Romanian music catalogue. He enjoyed his first international breakthrough in 2003 with O-zone’s “Dragostea din Tei”. The boy band O-Zone has peaked at #1 in the European Billboard chart and remained at this rank for 16 weeks in a row, the single “Dragostea din Tei” being sold in over 6 million units worldwide.
Maria Gergova Maria Gergova is founder and Managing Director of United Partners – one of the leading Communications agencies in Bulgaria. The agency has been recognised as the best PR agency in Bulgaria for 3 consecutive years and represents a number of international PR networks. Maria and United Partners have received many national and international PR awards.In addition to this Maria Gergova is one of the founders of SeeMe /South East European Music Event/ - Annual Regional Music Event that serve as a platform for networking, know-how exchange and professional development for the music industry in South East Europe.
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<p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><strong>Fredag 27. maj</strong><b> - 13.00 – 14.00 - Archauz, Lille Sal</b></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Musiker, sanger eller pladeselskab? Komponist, sangskriver eller musikforlag? Ny i musikbranchen? Eller bare brug for et overblik? Få sat stikord på rettighedsorganisationerne KODA og Gramex – hvem gør hvad, hvad kan du bruge dem til, og hvad skal du selv huske på? Kom og få den korte version.<i><br />Præsenteres i samarbejde med KODA og Gramex</i></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><img style="float: left;" src="../../spot-lounge/images/stories/Erik-Martens_Foto_Thue-Iversen_th.jpg" height="93" width="62" /><strong>Erik Martens</strong></span><br />Erik Martens er afdelingsleder i KODA’s Medlemsinformation. Erik Martens har været ansat i KODA’s Medlemsafdeling siden 2002 og har de sidste 7 år været afdelingsleder i Medlemsinformation. Medlemsinformation står for den daglige kontakt til KODA’s medlemmer og servicerer med alt fra medlemskab til afregning for de skabende kunstnere – komponister og sangskrivere.</p>
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<p><span style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><img style="float: left;" src="../../spot-lounge/images/stories/Mette-Peters-lille_th.jpg" height="93" width="62" /><strong>Mette Bjørneboe Peters</strong></span><br />Mette Bjørneboe Peters har været ansat som medlemskonsulent i KODA’s Medlemsinformation siden 2009. Mette Bjørneboe Peters står bl.a. for udarbejdelse af koncepter for udadvendte medlemsaktiviteter.</p>
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<p><span style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><img style="float: left;" src="../../spot-lounge/images/stories/Anette-Kure-Corneliussen_Gramex_th.jpg" height="84" width="63" /><strong>Anette Kure Corneliussen</strong></span><br />Anette Kure Corneliussen har været dokumentationschef i Gramex siden 1999. Som chef for Dokumentationsafdelingen er hun ansvarlig for, at de rigtige penge kommer ud til de rigtige medlemmer – udøvende kunstnere såvel som pladeselskaber, danske såvel som udenlandske.</p>
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<p><img style="float: left;" src="../../spot-lounge/images/stories/koda_logo_rgb_th.jpg" height="45" width="173" /></p>
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