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Monday | 18/04-2011 | By Administrator
Does the music press still matter? The UK music business has always had a particularly intense and fertile (if often combative) relationship with music journalism. Throughout Europe, the challenge of the internet has seen a decline in the scale, sales, range and influence of traditional music publications. How has UK music journalism met this challenge, and can rock critics retain their influence in a digital age? Leading music journalist Neil McCormick and hugely experienced PR Gillian Porter discuss the role of music journalism in a fast changing business.
Neil McCormick Neil McCormick is one of the UK’s best known music critics. His weekly column in the Daily Telegraph is syndicated around the world and he is a regular guest on BBC Television and radio. His memoir of a misspent youth as a failed rock star has been filmed as Killing Bono (out April 2011). Despite the discouragement of some of his fellow critics, Neil continues to occasionally make music on the sidelines under the alias The Ghost Who Walks.
Gillian Porter Gillian Porter has worked in the music industry in London for over 20 years, primarily in Independent Press but with stints at the likes of EMI and Roadrunner Records. Currently General Manager of Hall or Nothing (which celebrates its 25th Anniversary this year and is one of the oldest independent music PR companies in the UK), the company looks after the likes of Beady Eye, Muse, Manic Street Preachers, Glasvegas, Kaiser Chiefs, The Cribs and the Reading and Leeds Festival amongst many others.
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<p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><strong>Fredag 27. maj</strong><b> - 13.00 – 14.00 - Archauz, Lille Sal</b></span></p>
<p><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Musiker, sanger eller pladeselskab? Komponist, sangskriver eller musikforlag? Ny i musikbranchen? Eller bare brug for et overblik? Få sat stikord på rettighedsorganisationerne KODA og Gramex – hvem gør hvad, hvad kan du bruge dem til, og hvad skal du selv huske på? Kom og få den korte version.<i><br />Præsenteres i samarbejde med KODA og Gramex</i></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><img style="float: left;" src="../../program/images/stories/Erik-Martens_Foto_Thue-Iversen_th.jpg" height="93" width="62" /><strong>Erik Martens</strong></span><br />Erik Martens er afdelingsleder i KODA’s Medlemsinformation. Erik Martens har været ansat i KODA’s Medlemsafdeling siden 2002 og har de sidste 7 år været afdelingsleder i Medlemsinformation. Medlemsinformation står for den daglige kontakt til KODA’s medlemmer og servicerer med alt fra medlemskab til afregning for de skabende kunstnere – komponister og sangskrivere.</p>
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<p><span style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><img style="float: left;" src="../../program/images/stories/Mette-Peters-lille_th.jpg" height="93" width="62" /><strong>Mette Bjørneboe Peters</strong></span><br />Mette Bjørneboe Peters har været ansat som medlemskonsulent i KODA’s Medlemsinformation siden 2009. Mette Bjørneboe Peters står bl.a. for udarbejdelse af koncepter for udadvendte medlemsaktiviteter.</p>
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<p><span style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><img style="float: left;" src="../../program/images/stories/Anette-Kure-Corneliussen_Gramex_th.jpg" height="84" width="63" /><strong>Anette Kure Corneliussen</strong></span><br />Anette Kure Corneliussen har været dokumentationschef i Gramex siden 1999. Som chef for Dokumentationsafdelingen er hun ansvarlig for, at de rigtige penge kommer ud til de rigtige medlemmer – udøvende kunstnere såvel som pladeselskaber, danske såvel som udenlandske.</p>
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<p><img style="float: left;" src="../../program/images/stories/koda_logo_rgb_th.jpg" height="45" width="173" /></p>
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